Asset repositories:
- Pre-tax 401(k) - Previous employer
- Post-tax 401(k) - Previous employer
- Post-tax 401(k) - Current employer
- 529 College Savings Plan (for dependent)
- HSA (Health Savings Account)
- Savings (Primary)
- Savings (Secondary)
- Checking (Primary)
- Checking (Secondary)
- Investment Account (Primary)
- Restricted Stock
- Physical (Car, etc.)
Additions to assets from:
- Income from employment, to include restricted stock units
- Investment earnings
- Interest on accounts
Total valuation and distribution:
I summed the value of all of the above assets and it comes to $133,496.65, as below.
About half of that (Restricted Stock, above) is non-vested stock that requires continued employment in my current position to realize.
So in general, the argument could be made that assets can be grouped into the following categories (excluded physical because those cannot be reinvested):
Or, a little more graphically: